California Wildflowers - Design Inspiration

California Wildflowers - Design Inspiration

Almost everyone is familiar with THE California Poppy. Images from Antelope Valley and a host of other super bloom sites have blown up in recent years showcasing hillsides blanketed in neon orange with yellow and purple accents. These phenomena are certainly breathtaking and inspire many people to learn more about California native plants.

California is a biodiversity hotspot when it comes to native plant species. “California hosts approximately 6,500 species, subspecies, and varieties of plants that occur naturally in the state, and many of these are found nowhere else in the world” (1). The County of San Luis Obispo hosts more native plants within its border than the entire state of Alaska. This is due to the variety of environments that California has which has forced plants to adapt to unique habitats or harsh conditions such as the serpentine soils or salt winds.

With thousands of native plants and wildflowers to choose from you can imagine how difficult it was to select only a handful of native plants to include on the tapestry. The wildflowers I’ve chosen are some of the most common and widely known within the state. Below is a list of the species I’ve selected to include on the tapestry. 

Woodland Strawberry - Fragaria vesca

California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica

Tidy Tips - Layia platyglossa

Cleveland Sage - Salvia clevelandii

Leopard Lily - Lilium pardalinum

Padre’s Shooting Star - Primula clevelandii

Baby Blue Eyes - Nemophila menziesii

Sky Lupine - Lupinus nanus

Farewell to Spring - Clarkia amoena

Western Blue-Eyed Grass - Sisyrinchium bellum

California Goldfields - Lasthenia californica

Valley Oak - Quercus lobata

Showy Milkweed - Asclepias speciosa

Monarch - Danaus plexippus

Sonoran bumblebee - Bombus sonorus

Blue Milkweed Beetle - Chrysochus cobaltinus

Orange Skipper - Poanes zabulon

Convergent Lady Beetle - Hippodamia convergens

With so many native plants to choose from there will be endless opportunities for additional tapestries in the years to come. 


  1. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. “Native Plants.” CDFW,,nowhere%20else%20in%20the%20world. Accessed 26 May 2023.
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